Brio Mec modular building system with a few hundred pieces - every piece can be connected to every other piece. Consists of sturdy tools that work like they do in real life (3 claw hammers, 2 pliers, 3 screwdrivers, 3 wrenchs), connectors (nails,screws, rivets,bolts,nuts, threaded rods) blocks and beams (made of smooth tough beechwood), wheels (tires, axles, hub caps, cog wheels i.e. gears) and various accessories (angles, cranks, hinges, triangular and base plates).
From 2-3 year olds working with basic pieces all the way up to 12 year olds constructing models from the many step-by-step plans available or entirely from their imagination, brio mec is the
ultimate open-ended toy that will keep multiple ages of children happily occupied- sometimes for hours. Please see pictures below for some of the model plans. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Brio Mec meets international standards for child safety.
Children have fun while discovering basic mechanical principles and gain strength in areas such
as physical skills and dexterity, math concepts, communication and language development.
Comes with a table lined with built -in brio blocks along the side which children can also use for building. Table is just over 1 1/2 feet high and each side is 2 1/2 feet in length. Table is multi-use and when brio peices are put away it can be used as a platform for putting other toys on. The raised edges also make it great for exploring, counting, sorting activities etc. by keeping items from falling on the floor.